A Laboratory of the Research Group
"Soft Computing and Intelligent Information Systems"


International projects | National projects | Research contracts |

International Projects

LCA, Environmental footprints and intelligent analysis for the rail in- frastructure construction sector.
Reference: LIFE12 ENV/ES/000686.
Entity: European Commission, LIFE 2012 FP7.
Execution period: 1/10/2013 – 31/3/2017.
OPTIRAIL: Development of a Smart Framework based on Knowledge to Support Infrastructure Maintenance Decisions in Railway Corridors.
Reference: SCP2-GA-2012-314031.
Entity: European Commission, FP7
Execution period: 1/10/2012 – 30/9/2015.

National Projects

From Big Data Time Series Processing to Smart Railways Maintenance
Reference: TIN2016-81113-R
Entity: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Goverment of Spain (Spain)
Execution period: 1/1/2017 – 31/12/2019.
Cloud Computing Data Mining
Reference: P12-TIC-2958.
Entity: Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science. Regional Goverment of Andalucía (Spain)
Execution period: 30/1/2014 – 30/1/2018.
An integrated approach based on flexible computation for the analysis and modeling of time series.
Reference: TIN2013-47210-P.
Entity: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Goverment of Spain (Spain)
Execution period: 1/1/2014–31/12/2016.
Data mining in Cloud Computing for e-learning.
References: 20F12/40.
Entity: University of Granada (Spain)
Execution period: 10/4/2012 – 31/12/2012.
Management and maintenance of railway infrastructures: GEOMAF.
Reference: IPT-2011-1656-370000.
Entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation. Goverment of Spain (Spain)
Execution period: 5/4/2011–31/12/2014.
Time Series Modeling and prediction using soft computing techniques.
Reference: TIN2009-14575.
Entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation. Goverment of Spain (Spain)
Execution period: 1/1/2010 – 31/12/2012.
Conservation of infrastructures based on computational intelligence (CIBIC).
Reference: CIT-460000-2009-46.
Entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation. Goverment of Spain (Spain)
Execution period: 1/7/2009 – 31/12/2010.

Research Contracts

Computational Intelligence Techniques applied to the development and implementation of algorithms to tackle calculating resource optimization in regular bus transportation companies.
Reference: 4179-00.
Entity: SHS Consultores, S.L. (Spain)
Execution period: 15/10/2015 – 15/3/2016.
Application of Computational Intelligence and Data Mining techniques for data analysis of railway lines.
Reference: 3438-00.
Entity: Thales España, GRP S.A.U. (Spain)
Execution period: 1/10/2013 – 31/1/2015.
Application of computational intelligence and data mining techniques for crop prediction and disease propagation.
Reference: 3871-00.
Entity: Granada La Palma, S.C.A. (Spain)
Execution period: 1/10/2013 – 30/9/2014.
Development of a cloud platform (APLACA).
Reference: 3056-00.
Entity: Indra Sistemas, S.A. (Spain)
Execution period: 1/12/2011 – 31/5/2013.
Biometric authentication center (BAC).
Reference: 2845-00.
Entity: Instituto Científico de Innovación y Tecnologías Aplicadas de Navarra, S.L. (Spain)
Execution period: 10/7/2011 – 10/10/2013.
Advice on the use of intelligent systems technologies in the field of engineering and business
Reference: 3840-00.
Entity: GAMESA Innovation and Technology, S.L.U. (Spain)
Execution period: 15/5/2013 – 31/12/2013.
Research on the development of a Health Monitoring System, based on data mining techniques and PDR computational intelligence.
Reference: 3764-00.
Entity: GAMESA Innovation and Technology, S.L.U. (Spain)
Execution period: 15/11/2012 – 30/4/2013.
Computer Sciences applied to an SME (institutional real estate developer: regional administration): administration, security, design, development and communication.
Reference: 2435-00.
Entity: Empresa Provincial de Vivienda, Suelo y Equipamiento de Granada, S.A. (Spain)
Execution period: 1/12/2004 – 30/11/2005.
Development of a laboratory automation system and research support.
Reference: 1930-00.
Entity: Puleva Biotech, S.A. (Spain)
Execution period: 1/9/2001 – 31/8/2002.
Application of flexible computing techniques to the classification of olive oils.
Reference: 1674-00.
Entity: Biosearch
Execution period: 1/5/2000–30/9/2001.
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